Marriage Certificate Rohini Court 9999423333

Marriage Certificate Rohini Court

Marriage Certificate Rohini Court.A Marriage Certificate is the proof of registration of a marriage. The need for a Marriage Certificate arises in case you need to prove that you are legally married to someone, for purposes like obtaining a passport, changing your maiden name, etc.The Hindu Marriage Act is applicable in cases where both husband and wife are Hindus, Buddhists, Jains or Sikhs, or where they have converted into any of these religions. The first step in this process is to apply to the sub-registrar under whose jurisdiction the marriage has been solemnised, or either party to the marriage has been residing.

Best Marriage Certificate Rohini Court


 1 – Court Marriage Certificate is a document, which provides all kind of legal reliefs. In case of marriage   disputes marriage certificate is considered to be a very strong proof of marriage.

2 – Court Marriage Certificate is a piece of evidence providing legal right in properties, maintenance, Police Protection, social security, self-confidence particularly among married women;

3 – Court Marriage Certificate is helpful in getting foreign visa for the spouse.

4 – Court Marriage Certificate is useful in claiming the Bank deposits or Life Insurance benefits when the Insurer dies without a nomination or otherwise.

Under the Hindu Marriage Act:

Parties to the marriage have to apply to the Registrar in whose jurisdiction the marriage is solemnised or to the Registrar in whose jurisdiction either party to the marriage has been residing at least for six months immediately preceding the date of marriage. Both the parties have to appear before the Registrar along with their parents or guardians or other witnesses within one month from the date of marriage. There is a provision for condonation of delay up to 5 years, by the Registrar, and thereafter by the District Registrar concerned.

Under the Special Marriage Act:

The parties to the intended marriage have to give a notice to the Marriage Officer in whose jurisdiction at least one of the parties has resided for not less than 30 days prior to the date of notice. It should be affixed at some conspicuous place in his office. If either of the parties is residing in the area of another Marriage Officer, a copy of the notice should be sent to him for similar publication. The marriage may be solemnised after the expiry of one month from the date of publication of the notice, if no objections are received. If any objections are received, the  the Marriage Officer has to enquire into them and take a decision either to solemnise the marriage or to refuse it.

Marriage Certificate Rohini Court.