Court Marriage In Nagpur 9999423333

Court Marriage In Nagpur

Court Marriage In Nagpur.It is not mandatory but yes, a lawyer will be helpful in resolving any legal issues and guide you in filling or submitting the documents/formats involved in the procedure mentioned above. Also, if there is any apprehension of objection, hiring a family lawyer would be a wise move as one can help in filing appeals or fighting your case in the court on valid legal points.The procedure of the Court marriages does away with the rituals and ceremonies of the traditional marriages. The parties can directly apply to the Marriage Registrar for performance & registration of marriage and grant of marriage certificate.

Best Court Marriage In Nagpur

What are the procedures of Court Marriage?

Publication of Notice

After the notice has been filled, The Marriage Officer of the district to whom the notice has been served shall publish the notice.
The notice shall be published at a conspicuous place in the office and one copy in the office of the district where (if) the other party permanently resides.

No objection to the Marriage

Any person can raise an objection to the marriage to the Marriage Officer of the district on the specified conditions as mentioned in Chapter II, Section 4 of the Act. If Marriage Officer receives any objection within the 30 days from the date of publication of the notice, the marriage cannot be solemnized.

Remedy for the couple, if objection is filed

Either of the party to the marriage can file an appeal at the District Court within the local limits of the district under the jurisdiction of Marriage Officer within 30 days from the date of the refusal to solemnize the marriage.

Solemnization of the Marriage

If no objection is received before the expiry of 30 days, the marriage will be solemnized at the Specified Marriage Office. The parties to the marriage must be present at the office along with 3 witnesses at the Office on the given date of Registration/Solemnization.

Marriage Certificate

The Marriage Certificate is issued by the officer in the specified format which has to be signed by both the parties and 3 witnesses. It is the conclusive evidence of the Court Marriage.


  • There should not be subsisting valid marriage of either of the parties with any other person.
  • The bridegroom should be of twenty-one (21) years and bride should be of eighteen (18) years of age.
  • The parties should not be of unsoundness of mind of such a nature as to be unable to give valid consent for the marriage, or suffering from mental disorder of such a kind or to such an extent as to be unfit for marriage and procreation of children, or has been subject to recurrent attacks of insanity.
  • The parties should not fall within the degree of prohibited relationship.

Court Marriage In Nagpur.