Court Marriage In West Delhi 9999423333

Court Marriage In West Delhi

Court Marriage in West Delhi are arranged according to the Special Marriage Act, 1954. Court Marriages can be solemnized between a male and female of any caste and religion. Even for foreigner couple Court Marriage is also the best option. Procedure of the Court Marriage is very simple and easy. All the rituals and traditions are followed by Court Marriage, so that it may be valid in everywhere in the world and all sections of the society. Court Marriage rituals are very different from the traditional marriage. All can easily apply for the Court Marriage, it’s very easy process. Registration of Court Marriage is must to make it valid. After the completion of marriage a marriage certificate is given to couples as a valid proof to show if required. Thus in Court Marriage all the formalities must be completed to give a solid protection to married couples.

Best Court Marriage In West Delhi

Marriage registration process:-

The marriage between husband and wife can be registered in two conditions either by the solemnization of the marriage in the presence priest and relatives and then registered with the marriage registrar’s office or directly registering the marriage with the registrar’s office i.e. court marriage.

  • Solemnized but not registered marriages can apply for the registration with the submission of application along with all mandatory documents with prescribed fees in the registrar office.
  • The marriage certificate will be obtained within 7 days from the registration; the application form can be submitted online for the registration.
  • In case of court marriage, both parties have to submit a joint application with relevant documents at the Registrar office and obtain a date for the registration.
  • The parties will have to present on the given date with witnesses in front of the registrar with required necessary documents.
  • Then the marriage is solemnized and a certificate is issued by the registrar with signature of witnesses and both parties.

Benefits of Court Marriage:-

Court Marriage is recognized and authorized by law.  It is as valid as a traditional marriage. Court marriage is open for people of all religion, caste and creed. It is a preferred way of getting married in most love marriages, inter religious marriages. Any Individual who is  of 21 years of age  in case of boys and 18 years of  age in case of girls can opt for court marriage.

Court Marriage unlike traditional marriages is free from the glitz and glamour of traditional marriages and is less time consuming. It is not mandatory to invite plenty of guests.  Only presence of  few witnesses is required to complete the marriage in the presence of marriage registar.

Court Marriage In West Delhi.