Online Marriage Registration In Delhi 9999423333

Online Marriage Registration In Delhi

Online Marriage Registration In Delhi.There are conditions:-

  • Both the parties should belong to Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh or Jain religions.
  • Neither party should have a spouse living at the time of marriage.
  • Both the parties should be of sound mind, capable of giving valid consent, fit for marriage and procreation of a child.
  • Male should have completed the age of 21 years and female should have completed the age of 18 years at the time of marriage.
  • Parties should not come within the degree of prohibited relationship unless the custom or usage governing each of them permits of a marriage between the two.
  • Parties should not be sapindas of each other, unless the custom or usage governing each of them permits of a marriage between the two.

Best Online Marriage Registration In Delhi


  • Submit the application in the prescribed form along with the necessary documents in the court of the Marriage Officer (Addl. District Magistrate, Collectorate).
  • The Court will get all the declarations of the parties verified, and shall register the marriage in the presence of one  witness.
  • The marriage registration certificate will be issued after the registration of the marriage.

Benefits of Marriage Certificate:-

1.If you are applying for a passport or opening a bank account after the wedding, then Marriage Certificate is required.

2.Extremely helpful in obtaining visas for both husband and wife.

3.As the foreign embassies in India as well as in countries outside India, do not recognize traditional marriages, the Marriage Certificate is mandatory for the couple to travel abroad using a spouse visa.

4.Enables a spouse in claiming life insurance return or bank deposits in case of demise of the Insurer or depositor without any nominee.


  •  Marriage registration application  form duly signed by both husband and wife.
  •  Documentary evidence of date of birth of parties (Matriculation Certificate /   Passport / Birth  Certificate) Minimum age of both  parties  is 21 years at the time of registration  under the Special Marriage Act.
  •  Address Proof  of husband or wife whose area SDM has been approached for the  marriage certificate.
  •  Aadhar  card of both husband & wife
  •  Affidavit by both the parties stating place and date of marriage, date of birth, marital    status at the time of marriage and nationality.
  •  Two passport size photographs of both the parties and one marriage photograph.
  •  Marriage invitation card
  • If marriage was solemnized in a religious place, a certificate from the priest is required who solemnized the marriage.
  •  One witness having Aadhar card & PAN card
  • Online Marriage Registration In Delhi.