Court Marriage In Ujjain 9999423333

Court Marriage In Ujjain

Court Marriage In Ujjain.The marriage performed under the Special Marriage Act, 1954 is a civil contract and accordingly, there need be no rites or ceremonial requirements. Where either of the husband or wife or both are not Hindus, Buddhists, Jains or Sikhs, the marriage is solemnized and registered irrespective of the religion, under the Special Marriage Act, 1954.Court Marriage means solemnizing a marriage according to the law. Couples may opt for a court marriage due to various reasons. One common reason in India is marrying against the wishes of family. Another reason is to avoid the hefty expenses on a big fat wedding. A court marriage keeps things simple and economical. Whatever be the reason, it is important to know the court marriage procedure before taking the plunge.

Best Court Marriage In Ujjain

Exceptions and other conditions:-

The eligibility conditions above have some exceptions.

First, even if you are within degrees of prohibited relationship, you can get married if your custom allows you to do so.This exception will apply even when the customs of only one of the parties allow such marriage.

The second exception is the citizenship rule for court marriages in Ujjain . If the marriage is taking place in Ujjain , then both parties must be citizens of India. Moreover, both parties should have domicile in a state to which this act applies. This means that foreign nationals cannot get married in  Ujjain under this Act.

There is another condition for foreigners. They must live in India for at least 30 days before the marriage. They can get a proof of residence from their local police station.

Publishing of notice and compulsory waiting period:-

The marriage officer will display the notice in his office at a place where it is visible.

He also needs to forward the notice to the district of each party’s permanent residence.

After display of the notice in the above manner, the compulsory waiting period of 30 days begins. Anyone can object to the marriage within this period. But, the objection should be as per the Act and the eligibility conditions. Any person who believes that the marriage violates one or more eligibility conditions can object to it. But, not otherwise. So, if a person objects to your marriage due to some other reason, he has no legal basis of doing so.If there is no objection to the marriage within 30 days of publishing the above notice, the marriage officer can perform the marriage.

Court Marriage In Ujjain.