Court Marriage In Kanpur 9999423333

Court Marriage In Kanpur

Court Marriage In Kanpur.Court marriages are solemnized under the Special Marriage Act, 1954. Court marriage can be performed between an Indian male and a female irrespective of their caste, religion or creed. It can also be solemnized between an Indian and a foreigner. The procedure of the Court marriages does away with the rituals and ceremonies of the traditional marriages. The parties can directly apply to the Marriage Registrar for performance & registration of marriage and grant of marriage certificate.

Best Court Marriage In Kanpur

Procedure Of Marriage When Both Parties Are Hindus:-

  • The parties have to file a Notice of Intended Marriage in the specified form to the Marriage Registrar of the district in which at least one of the parties to the marriage has resided for a period of not less than 30 days immediately preceding the date on which such notice is given.
  • The notice is then published/put-up by the Registrar of Marriage inviting objections, if any.
  • After the expiration of 30 days from the date on which notice of intended marriage has been published, the marriage may be solemnized unless it has been objected by any person.
  • The marriage may be solemnized at the specified Marriage Office.
  • Both parties along with three witnesses are required to be present on the date of registration/Solemnization.
  • Legal requirement of Court Marriage:-
    1. Marriage Certificate is a legal document which is now a necessity in many city ofIndiaaccording to new amendment in law
    2. Marriage certificate is priceless proof of marriage
    3. Beside a legal document it’s make sure both Bride and Groom, that they can not marry second time and if it is done there is strict law in Indian Penal code to Fine and jail the defaulter party.
    4. Marriage certificate can sort out many problems such as wife required address proof for various purposes.
    5. If you are migrating to another country and if you want to call your spouse too than you have to prove with legal document about your marriage i.e. Marriage certificate.
    6. Marriage certificate is useful for addition of spouse name on your passport, visa purpose, PR and many more things.
    7. Court Marriage In Kanpur.